Here at WeTrack we have developed an incident management template based on our clients' experiences and using processes from WeTrack's incident management software as the basis. Properly recording, resolving and reporting on incidents is vital to the success of your event or venue, so it needs to be done well. You can download this template - no form required - towards the bottom of the page.
Much of the work in resolving an incident is done long before that incident occurs, so you'll also find pieces on incident response checklists, incident categories, a severity scale for rating incidents, and key contact information for your staff to have at hand at all times.
Of course, you probably won't be using Excel for your incident records - but this template gives an example of the type of information you will want to record in event control.
If you would like to think further about improving your incident management and event control, we have produced a series of blog posts, detailed here:
We also have a white paper - The Complete Guide to Event Control - in production.
Thank you for reading. Click here to download your free incident management template in Excel. No sign-up required! See the first tab for your pre-event planning, and the second tab for your incident reporting.
WeTrack's Incident Management module
We built incident management software so that your event or venue is ready for when something goes wrong. Build out great processes beforehand, including checklists and incident categories, record incidents and logs with all of the information you need, and report on events properly after the fact. Part of our event control suite of modules, our incident management gives you the tools you need to respond to the unexpected - saving you time, money and risk.