Introduction to Run Sheets - WeTrack

By Alex Beck | Aug 25, 2020 12:02:43 PM

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Introduction to Run Sheets - WeTrack

By Alex Beck | Aug 25, 2020 12:02:43 PM

WeTrack was born out of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games by project and venue managers who wanted to improve the way we plan and deliver events. Our run sheets for events and venues was built to allow you to ditch paper-based running orders and manage your on-site activity the modern way. Here, we introduce it, explain its purpose, and set out what we hope for our clients to achieve with it. It has been developed and refined over the last few months and is ready to be used at events, venues and stadia of any type.

Simply, it allows you to build your daily call sheets, with much better visibility of who does what, where and when, in a fully interactive setting with maps, timing dependencies and more.

RunSheets-products (1)-1The basic principle is this: to help everyone understand what they need to do, where they need to be and when they need to be there! But there's a problem: this part of planning has not moved with the times. Run sheets take ages to compile, are quickly outdated, and don't allow you to communicate necessary changes in live time. We took one look at this process and wanted to build a module to improve it.

So how does it work in practice? For a full answer here, we'll direct you to our support centre, where we have a series of articles explaining how the module works. But in brief, this is the basic process. You create the basic run sheet, including title, date, any action owner or department to be responsible, and any zone / area in your location manager that this run sheet applies to. Then you add in each individual item, again with the time and date, including any timing dependency (common examples are relative to gates open or event / match start). If the item is a priority, it can be starred, or labelled 'needs to be marked as complete', to ensure it gets the attention it deserves. Then you're fully ready for event day.

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We've produced an article to support your run sheets:

Use digital run sheets to manage your event or venue's return. As events return and venues and attractions reopen, event planners and venue managers need to be able to adapt their operations on the fly. That's where digital run sheets come in: to provide clarity, collaboration and flexibility, as you organise what actions are being performed where, when and by whom.

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You can explore full module functionality through our run sheets webpage, or explore our help centre. We'd love to tell you all about our location mapping and import functionality. For a full introduction, get in touch below and we'd be delighted to give you a demo.

Learn more


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